Patti's semi-wrapped, short row heel recipe:
shown for a heel worked over 12 or 16 st (baby/child socks)

heel (worked over half the total stitches):

row 1: knit across heel stitches. turn.
row 2: WIB sl1, purl to last st. k1. turn
row 3: WIB sl1, k10(12). turn
row 4: WIB sl1, p8(10), k1. turn
row 5: WIB sl1, k8(10). turn
row 6: WIB sl1, p6(8), k1. turn
row 7: WIB sl1, k6(8). turn
row 8: WIB sl1, p4(6), k1. turn

the heel at a glance: 4(5) st that look like purl bumps, 4(6) st that look like stockinette, and 4(5) st that look like purl bumps

turning the heel:

row 1: WIB sl1. k5(6). insert the tip of the LH needle into the purl bump at the edge of the RH prev row and k2tog TBL with next st. turn.
row 2: WIF sl1. p6(7). insert the tip of the LH needle into the purl bump at the edge of the RH prev row and p2tog with next st. turn.
row 3: WIB sl1, k7(8). pick up purl bump as before (this one, and all the rest, will be 2 rows down) and k2tog TBL . turn.
row 4: WIF sl1, p8(9). pick up purl bump and p2tog. turn.
row 5: WIB sl1, k9(10). pick up purl bump and k2tog TBL. turn.
row 6: WIF sl1, p10(11). pick up purl bump and p2tog (last heel st). turn.

finishing heel round:

WIB sl1. k11(12). pick up bar between last st and first instep st and place on LH needle to make an M1 (but do not knit yet). Pick up the purl bump from the last st on the round (now 2 rows below) and place on LH needle. k2tog TBL.

knit across instep st.

with RH needle, pick up bar between last instep st and first heel st to make an M1 (but do not knit yet). Pick up the purl bump from the first heel st on the round (now 2 rows below) and place on RH needle. ssk.

knit across heel st. (26/34 st)

At this point, two st have been added to the original st count. For some patterns, it’s not a significant change. If your pattern requires the original number of st

knit across instep st. k2tog, k10(14), ssk. k to end of round. (24/32 st)


k: knit

k2tog: knit 2 stitches together (a right-leaning decrease)

LH: left hand

RH: right hand

ndl: needle

p: purl

sl 1: slip 1 stitch (with yarn in back, unless otherwise noted)

ssk: slip 2 stitches, separately, knitwise, then knit together through the front loops (a left-leaning decrease)

WIB: with yarn in back

WIF: with yarn in front

note: WIF and WIB change between the heel and heel turn (depending on whether a bump is created or not), so read carefully

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