2005 Mitten-a-Long for Charity
Abbreviations & Techniques
crochet chain closed cast on:
designed for circular patterns needing a closed end, such as top down socks and mittens

• using a crochet hook similar in size to the larger knitting needles, make a chain that is 1 st longer than the half number of st to be cast on

• draw up a loop in back loop the 2nd ch from the hook and in each ch across. half the cast on has been picked up

• transfer the st to ndl 1 and snug them to the needle

• push the st onto the cable (if using a circular needle)

• turn the chain around and pick up the same number of st in, what is now, the back loop of the chain

• similarly transfer these st to ndl 2

• begin working in the round, taking the yarn over the ends of the chain for the first round. the slip knot will be removed and tails will be woven at finishing.

decrease bind off:
*k2tog, slip just worked st back to the LH ndl. repeat from * until a single stitch is left. Clip yarn, leaving a 6” tail. pull tail through final stitch and secure.

make one st by lifting the “bar” between the stitches on the RH and LH needles and place it on the LH needle. Knit through the back loop (to twist the stitch and close the gap).

converting from circular to double point needles -- the patterns written for circular needles can easily be worked with 5 double points, by further dividing the stitches - evenly place the stitches on circular 1 onto double points 1/2, and place circular 2 stitches on double points ¾

knitting abbreviations:

mc: main color

cc: contrasting color

decr: decrease

k: knit

incr: increase

k2tog: knit 2 stitches together as one

LH: left hand

ndl: needle

p: purl

p2tog: purl two st together as one

rem: remaining

RH: right hand

RS: right side

st(s): stitch(es)

WS: wrong side

crochet abbreviations:

mc: main color

cc: contrasting color

bl: back loop

ch: chain

sc: single crochet

decr: decrease

incr: increase

sl st: slip stitch

RS: right side

st(s): stitch(es)

WS: wrong side

Pictures & Patterns ©2001-2031 p2 designs,
all rights reserved

terms of use

The free patterns on this site have been specifically developed for use in charity work. The patterns and items made from them are NOT to be sold! They should NOT be used as teaching materials unless you are donating your time as the instructor.

You may provide a direct link to these patterns but may not copy them to your website. Hard copies may be made and shared ONLY if the copyright notice and disclaimer are visible.

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